Sleeping has also been difficult. I rotate between the bed and the recliner most nights. I sleep with more pillows than you can imagine. Side note: hospitals throw away pillows after use (at least mine does) so they will send them home with you if you want. The extra pillows have been awesome. They also sent home all the bandages and tape I'd need, thermometer, ointments, a reacher tool, etc. Anyhow, sleeping - not easy.
I have a little cabin fever. I've read a ton of books, watched movies, I sit outside for a little everyday too but it's still been a big change from my pre-surgery life. So I had my first adventure out of the house Saturday night and it wasn't to the hospital. I had to get out of the house. Naturally, I went to Walmart. Jay and I got a few groceries. I used one of those electric cart thingamajigs. I won't lie, they are fun to drive but they don't corner very well.
Since I've been whining a bunch in this post, I should point out that the help of friends and family has definitely made it easier than I expected. I knew people said they'd step up and help but holy cow, you people are awesome! My mom has been a great help too, helping with Alex, doing laundry, dishes, etc. Our friends (a few kind strangers too) have been awesome helping with meals. A special thank you to Adam for mowing our lawn this weekend!
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